Frequently Asked Questions

We work together:

  1. You complete and return customized Career Clarity/Resume Branding Worksheets along with 1 - 3 job postings.
  2. We meet to explore your interests and uncover your talents in a video-conferencing session.
  3. I craft your resume and you receive a 1st draft generally within 5 - 10 days of our session.
  4. We meet again and finalize your resume together.
  5. We discuss the cover letter strategy and I’ll deliver your cover letter for review.
  6. You receive your final resume, cover letter, reference document, a Resume Management Guide, & job search tracking tools.

The worksheets help provide career clarity and define your target roles. It’s part of a process to inventory your skills, qualifications, and accomplishments. It’s an opportunity to reflect on your past and prepare for interviews. Job seekers say it’s time well spent.

In most cases your resume will be ready within 2 weeks of our Career Exploration Session.

It may be possible to expedite services for an additional fee if you are working to a deadline.

Clients recognize the value a career professional can offer and say working with me is an investment in their future.

I offer a range of services with fees based on complexity of the project, your experience, and your career goals.

Resumes are custom designed and unique after I dedicate 15 - 25+ hours preparing a top quality document.

The Premium Resume and Cover Letter service package starts at $595.00 for new professionals. Clients tell me it’s a good investment in their future. Contact me to learn more

We start our work together after the invoice is paid by bank e-transfer.

Send me your resume or a brief summary of your career with a couple of positions that interest you and we’ll set up a meeting to see if we should work together. Contact me.

Thanks to technology I work with people from across Canada and the U.S. from my office in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.

Clients have included executives, managers, new and accomplished professionals, and new graduates in multiple roles, sectors, and industries.