About Barb
I gained tremendous insight reviewing thousands of resumes and interviewing hundreds of people during 25+ years as a Human Resources leader. With a focus on recruitment and selection, my HR career extended across business, healthcare, and not for profit worlds. I treasure the time I worked with executives, learned from professionals, and coached leaders through all things HR with a leading community organization.
Fast forward to 2018 when I began exploring how I could help others with their careers. I earned credentials as a resume writer and career professional and found my niche helping executives, managers, and accomplished professionals transition their careers. My HR experience has proven invaluable as I help executives and senior, mid-level, and new professionals take life enhancing steps with personalized career services.

It may sound cheesy, but I approach career consulting the same way I operate in everything ... being thoughtful, strategic, attending to details, and applying incredible determination to deliver the best results possible.
With one foot still in Human Resources as a Certified Professional - Human Resources, I also help organizations with HR projects. That skill set will always be in my DNA!
Free time? I volunteer with Career Professionals of Canada, APEGA, and United Way. And I spend a lot of time honing my Career Professional skills by reading, taking courses, and learning from other career experts!
Beyond that, I work hard at leading a healthy lifestyle and staying fit. My husband and I are 9x Ironman Finishers and are always training for our next race!